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J'aimerais profiter de ce moment pour re-dédier une chanson à @Adios234 :    

10 hours ago, TasDeGraines said:

Next riddle tomorrow 😉


Pas pour moi, je suis enfermé aujourd'hui

Not for me, I'm locked up today :D


Exit Strategy Dog GIF

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Un autre jour en prison, mais heureusement, je suis payé pour ça :D
En attendant, peut-être aimerez-vous cette chanson :


Cette chanson publiée en 1989 par une chanteuse / compositrice / guitariste américaine me laisse toujours d'humeur mélancolique lorsque je conduis


Another day in the jail, but luckily I get paid for it :D

In the mean time, maybe you like this song:


This song released in 1989 by a female American singer / songwriter / guitarist always leaves me in a melancholic mood while driving

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9 hours ago, roussine said:

Une chanson de Tracy Chapman? Fast Car? Mais l'année ne correspond pas ^_^


J'aime bien cette chanson aussi ! Mais elle ne me rend pas vraiment mélancolique

I like that song too! But it doesn't really make me melancholic 


9 hours ago, TasDeGraines said:

Madonna - Like a Prayer ?


Madonna joue-t-elle de la guitare ?

Does Madonna play the guitar? 





Elle a une voix assez fumeuse

She has a rather smoky voice



Dans quelques mois, elle aura son propre spectacle à Broadway

In a few months she will have her own show on Broadway



Elle défend les droits des LGBT

She is a front runner in LGBT rights



Elle est âgée de 62 ans

She is 62 years old


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9 hours ago, TasDeGraines said:

But I'm totally lost on this one


Autre indice : elle est née au Kansas. Je suis sûr que l'oracle de Roussine aura la bonne réponse

Another hint then: she was born in Kansas. I'm sure Roussine's oracle will have the right answer :D

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49 minutes ago, roussine said:

If this is not the right answer, the oracle will need a sacrifice.  A voluntary ( e ) ? 😁


Presque ! Cette chanson ne parle pas de la conduite

Almost!! This song is not about driving ;)



Sorry Not Sorry Reaction GIF by Arrow Video

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il y a 40 minutes, roussine a dit :

Je laisse notre ami @TasDeGraines le soin de trouver le bon titre, sinon je crains qu'il ne soit sacrifié 




I'll leave it to our friend @TasDeGraines to find the right title, otherwise I'm afraid it will be sacrificed


Scarifié (la semaine dernière, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire😒), mais pas sacrifié.

Been scarified (last week if you see what I mean😒), but not sacrificed


I'm gonna say :




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Je suis désolée d'avoir rendu les choses si difficiles pour vous

I'm sorry I made this so difficult for you guys 


Maybe it makes you melancholic too (Madonna doesn't do it for me) :D





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That was an hard one.


Now time for a lyric riddle.

We are searching a 2022 title, second track of its album (Lolo64 vibes 🤣)


If you don't find I can give hints or add more letters (but this one it's not much a difficult one to find) 😉:


A s**dow mo*es across the w*te* in pursuit
It *p*its the wa***, ***mands the *** and def**s the wind
Instilling **ar among its pr*y, feels ****** for it***f
**ead the se* lies calm awaiting the st**m

D*s*lace the **ter in its path
R*veal the ****ons, *lign the g**s, unleash their wrath

*nop***ed *nder crimson skies
**mo**alized, over t*me their leg*** will rise
And their f*es can’t **lieve their ***s, bel***e their si**, as they f*ll
And the ************ dread nothing ** ***

A hull of ste*l and all *** *uns to *erv* the *le*t
**rivalled f***o*wer r*d*ng the waves to w*r
A devastating b*o* will se** their *oes **** below
Fea**ess arm*d* now b*mbard**g their sh**e

Li**t ** the night when ***nons *oar
In fe*r of no*hi**, they ***d the navy in** *ar

*nop***ed *nder crimson skies
**mo**alized, over t*me their leg*** will rise
And their f*es can’t **lieve their ***s, bel***e their si**, as they f*ll
And the ************ dread nothing ** ***

The N**** Sea has dr*wn them *e*r
The Fl**t of the *igh *e*s approach
A cont**t of *itan* com*en**
These days will dic***e their f**e
The Gr**d *lee* prep**es their gu**
Unl**shed as the ************ clash at last

*nop***ed *nder crimson skies
**mo**alized, over t*me their leg*** will rise
And their f*es can’t **lieve their ***s, bel***e their si**, as they f*ll
And the ************ dread nothing ** ***

Edited by TasDeGraines
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4 minutes ago, TasDeGraines said:

Man I love this song.


La guerre me rend triste, je pense à toutes les cruautés commises et, la plupart du temps, les personnes qui envoient d'autres personnes à la guerre restent hors de portée. En même temps, je comprends l'hommage rendu aux personnes qui ont donné leur vie pour ma liberté. La musique est bonne, pleine d'énergie


War makes me sad, I think of all the cruelties done and most of the time the people who send others to war stay out of reach. At the same time I understand the tribute given, to people who have given their lives for my freedom in the end. The music is good though, full of energy

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Ok we go for another easy one :


** the h**lin' w*nd
C*mes a s***gin' rain
*ee *t drivin' nai**
**to the s**ls on the tr*e of *a*n

*ro* the f***fly
A *** *range gl*w
Se* **e face of f**r
Runnin' s**red in the va**ey ***ow

*u**** the b*** ***
*u**** the b*** ***
*u**** the b***
*u**** the b***

*n the *ocu*t wi**
C*m*s a ***** and ***
Ja**b wre***ed the *nge*
And the a***l *as ****come.

You *l*nt a demon se**
*** raise a flower of fi**
*e see th** burnin' cr*s*es
S** *h* **ame*, *i*h*r and h*g*e*

Woh, woh, *u**** the b*** ***
*u**** the b*** ***
*u**** the b***
*u**** the b***

Su*t and t** **mes ** to me
His f**e r*d like a *os* on a thorn b*sh
Like a** t*e c*lo*r* of a r**al flush
*** he's peelin' **f th*** do**ar *ills
(Slappin' 'em ****)
*ne h**dr**, *wo *un**ed

*nd * ca* s*e t*o*e fi**ter **ane*
*nd * ca* s*e t*o*e fi**ter **ane*
Acr*** the *in h*ts as c***dren sle**
Through the al***s o* a *uie* *ity str**t.
Up *** stair**** *o the ***st f*o*r
*e *urn th* k** and *low*y un**** the *oor
A* a *an *rea*he* into his ****phone
And t**ough the wa**s you h*ar the **** groan.
Out****, ** A******
Out****, ** A******

*e* *cross t** *ie*d
**e the *** ripped *p*n
S** the rai* comin' ****ugh the gapin' **und
Howlin' the wom** and *****ren
W*o r*n *nt* th* *rms
** America

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Les paroles complètes, c'est trop facile 
Je peux en essayer une avec juste un fragment du refrain


The full lyrics is too easy :D

I can try one with just a fragment of the chorus




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La recherche bien sûr, sinon je serais comme Kim Peek :D

Research of course, otherwise I would be like Kim Peek




Alive in the s......

Alive in the s......

Alive in the s......

First it s..... and then it s......


Get yourself ....

Get yourself ....

Get yourself ....

Get yourself ....


Les points ne sont pas exactement les lettres manquantes ou même les mots manquants, mais le refrain est chanté deux fois et répété à la fin

The dots are not exact the missing letters or even the missing words, but the chorus is sung two times and at the end repeated

Edited by Lies
added some lines, couldn't find it myself :)
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In my youth I had a gigantic instant memory. Any little thing I heard or seen was carved into my brain. During all my scolarity, I never had to study a lesson at home as hearing it in class was enough to never forget it. It was a guarantee of free time at home and 20/20 at each exam. 😎


But now my memory and concentration capacities have been well damaged, I'm not able to do that anymore. It often happens now that I forget something 30 min after someone told it to me.



Anyway, leave the past behind and answer this riddle :D


Alive In The Superunknown - Soundgarden

Edited by TasDeGraines
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